Place Strategies, Inc. is an Urban Planning, Architecture, and Master Developer Firm working on incremental neighborhoods, missing middle housing, and generally “feel good” projects.

Aledo Downtown Master Plan
The DMP in Aledo, TX continues the work done by Velocity Group to create area districts and takes the implementation strategies further by creating consensus within the community, designing real amenity projects like Aledo Commons and the Pine Street Plaza, and establishes a target for City Staff to reach.

Celina Downtown Code
The DTC in Celina, TX brings to reality the vision from the Downtown Master Plan using a hybrid form-based code that specializes on vibrant frontages, existing neighborhood safeguards, and creative character districts.

Corinth Comprehensive Plan
This Comp Plan in Corinth, TX dives into smart development of limited remaining land, efficient redevelopment of underutilized areas, and mobility and connectivity of transportation including a TOD focal area for the City.

Cedar Rapids Historic Preservation Guidelines
The guidelines in Cedar Rapids, IA are intended to promote high quality construction, support economic development, and maintain an active pedestrian-oriented environment. It also seeks to promote preservation of the historic, cultural and architectural heritage of Cedar Rapids.
The design guidelines also provide a basis for making consistent decisions about the treatment of historic resources.

Claremore Unified Development Code
The UDC in Claremore, OK strives to align zoning and subdivision codes as well as streamline processes, create innovative pattern zones, and allow for innovative infill development opportunities.

Trinity Lakes Master Plan
The Trinity Lakes Master Plan in Fort Worth, TX is an example of neighborhoods designed around community open spaces and assets. The plan incorporates thoughtful pocket parks that bring forward a calm and peaceful vibrancy to the residents. This development also plans a rail line to be a major component of the transportation options.

Bel Air on Abram
The new mixed-use, mixed-income community in Arlington, TX is inspired by the history of the eclectic neighborhood developed during the boom of the late 1950s as the General Motors Arlington Assembly Plant first debuted the classic Bel Air automobile. Bel Air on Abram features timeless architecture, efficient design, and engaging open space that delivers connectivity to community amenities and entertainment – all from your front yard.

Northeast Neighborhood Action Plan
This neighborhood plan in Cedar Rapids, Iowa brings together the resident priorities in light of the devastating 2008 floods of Cedar rapids and how it becomes a vibrant walkable community again while taking into consideration floodplain resiliency standards.

Durham-Orange LRT Station Area Plan
The TOD Guidebook for Durham and Chapel Hill, NC, guides “one possible future” made possible by the investment in light rail and station area infrastructure. The development scenarios presented in this TOD Guidebook are based on a market-driven strategy that will connect people to education, jobs, shopping, dining, recreation, and healthcare by creating walkable, transit-supportive places around each of the 19 stations along the Light Rail Corridor.