An Architecture + Planning Company
Focusing on community building, preserving neighborhood character, and activating urban spaces.

What We Do

We develop historic and downtown properties with an eye on adaptive reuse, placemaking, and community character.

We are experienced in the public and private planning sector and have implemented plans and codes as staff and developers.

We are insightful when it comes to implementation and have successfully facilitated strategic planning that has lead to catalytic organization milestones.

Our Firm in Numbers
communities served
developments inspired
codes written

Why You’ll Love Us
An Architecture + Planning practice naturally has a personality based on it’s leaders, ours can be summarized by our five principles.
- Ethical
- Sustainable
- Resilient
- Creative
- Timeless
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Latest Projects
- Revamped Development Code for City of AledoOn December 7th, 2023 the Aledo City Council unanimously voted to update their zoning and subdivision code with a Unified Development Code. The intent of the code was focused on simplifying the development process for residents and staff, providing moreContinue reading “Revamped Development Code for City of Aledo”
- City of Justin Comprehensive PlanThe City of Justin recently approved their updated Comprehensive Plan on March 28, 2023. The City took a step forward in expanding their policy guidance documents from previously having a stand alone Future Land Use Plan and Master Thoroughfare Plan.Continue reading “City of Justin Comprehensive Plan”
- New UDC for City of ClaremoreOn December 6, 2021 the City of Claremore adopted a reinvigorated Unified Development Code that will allow creativity in developments around the City and especially in the identified Special Districts. The identified Special Districts are: Downtown, Old Town, Will Rogers,Continue reading “New UDC for City of Claremore”